Try, Try Again?

There are so many things I’ve started and never completed because I feel like I’ve failed at them.

I started direct sales (twice) and have hit roadblocks almost immediately (both times), and quit. I started school (twice) and hit roadblocks or had a change of plans and quit. I try to stick through what I can, but of course, everything costs money! So I come to a place where I’m like, do I keep paying to fail or just quit and save the money?

I have many things that I like to do, but I find most of them difficult to succeed at. I’m definitely not lazy! I promise! I just have a limited support system (hubby, parents, and sister is basically it), not much time (5 kids, remember?!), and I’m usually running on low energy from a lack of sleep. If it wasn’t for caffeine, I wouldn’t be able to function at all! 😀

Even with all my failures, I do feel like I want (NEED) to be successful at something. I like trying new things, especially things that I find lots of interest in. So even with all of this being said, I’m planning trying yet again. This is something that will (hopefully) lead me to some sort of success.

I have decided to go back to school. I’m really good at school, actually! 🙂

I was googling American Sign Language classes in my area, and I realized there is an opportunity for me to earn a degree as an ASL interpreter! I’ve always been fascinated with ASL. I spend most of my Sunday mornings at church watching the interpreters as they sign the songs and the sermon. I’ve picked up so much here and there from just observing, and I’m ready for more!

Now, this idea is still in the works, so don’t be surprised if something happens and I never actually end up pursuing it. However, as of right now, I’m setting course back to college for this new and exciting adventure! I have awesome timing…. you know, like when we are still catching up (financially) from moving, still looking for a home, still working on getting the kids settled into a new school, etc. Prayers and support during this time would be amazing. So much has to fall into place for this to become reality. I’ll need childcare, money for tuition and books (or a grant), and just TIME in general!

I will keep you all posted on my progress! Thanks for reading! 🙂

Don’t forget to follow my group on Facebook, Surviving Seven!

~Philippians 4:13~